5 Tips to Try for Kids with Constipation

Constipation can be extremely difficult for kids and parents alike. We all know fiber, fiber, fiber and fluids — but what about these other tips?🌟

Check out these 5 tips to try at home!⁣

1️⃣ Clockwise abdominal massage

This goes with the natural flow of the colon (large intestine) — this can help manually get things moving. Try this massage every day, 100 circles each session.

Tip: Add it to your child’s bedtime routine — it should only take a couple of minutes at most!

There’s also an East Asian Medicine (EAM) massage technique called Tuina on the hand that helps harmonize your child’s whole system. ✋ ⁣

2️⃣ Potty time after meals

Your bathroom may be a scary place for your child because of having painful poops there. Work together to make this a safer place by creating a routine of sitting on the toilet after all meals. This is a good time because the bowels tend to move after eating. ⁣

Having a step-stool that your child can rest their feet on puts them in a better position for passing a bowel movement. 🚽 ⁣

3️⃣ Fun, creative drinks

Fluids are so important. In Chinese medicine there’s a saying that you need water to float the boat. Replace boat with 💩. You need water to help carry the poop out! 🛶 ⁣

Some kids don’t like drinking fluids, so make it fun. Crush up their favorite fruit and add it in for a pop of color, fiber, and flavor. 🍓🫐🍋 ⁣

4️⃣ Flax seeds or flax seed oil

Flax seeds are excellent for increasing the speed of digestion and may also help with pain and bloating. ✅ ⁣

Grind these up and add to meals or soak the seeds in warm water for a fun gooey, yummy drink. 👍 ⁣

5️⃣ Warm foods for the win

From an EAM perspective cold foods are hard on the digestion. Essentially the idea is that you need to burn more digestive energy or fire to warm it up, break if down, and process the food. ⁣

When your kid is struggling with constipation their digestion is already taxed. Warm foods are easy on their system and don’t require additional energy. ⁣

Try warm water and honey in the morning to get things flowing or miso soup for snack time. 🍲 🍵 ⁣

🌈 As always, it’s important to work with your child’s health care providers to make sure there isn’t something more serious causing their constipation.


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